Why Notice: Undefined index: items in wp-includes/rest-api.php on line

I hope you are developing something interesting in WordPress with Gutenberg Block editor. If you are facing this warning message. Generally this notice for Gutenberg array type attribute. When you register an attribute with an array type. Notice: Undefined index: items in wp-includes/rest-api.php on line 1092. I had similar trouble with it when I first …

How to add default customizer background color and background image controls inside custom section in WordPress

WordPress has a number of default Customizer panels that are in core and applied to all themes – these include Menu and Widgets as well as Site Identity and Static Front Page. Once you add_theme_supports in your themes function.php file for custom-background you get two more panels; Colors and Background Image. Move Colors and Background Image …

Google Tag Manager code for WooCommerce order completion page

If you are looking for Google Tag Manager code for WooCommerce order complete, without any heavy plugin structure. The code snippet is a self-explained. Code using standard WooCommerce thank you page filter. The script will process on order complete and user redirect on WooCommerce thank you page. Here a code snippet for you. Place this …